Steve's Buttons Blog
How we got the name Steve's Buttons Story 4
Posted by Steve O'Harra on
- Tags: Button, Fun
Now is the Time to Book your Button Party
Posted by Steve O'Harra on
Looking for a fun activity at your next Birthday Party or event. Making your own buttons is a fun activity that both kids and adults love to do. The cost is reasonable Contact Jane to book us at your next party.
The name Steve's Buttons the 70's
Posted by Steve O'Harra on
Story # 3. The 1970's It's hard to remember much from the 70's. It was a time of Peace, Love, and Buttons. I know I did a lot of things and were called a lot of names and had a lot of fun. I also know that my very supportive Fraternity Brothers Ty Pryor and Dave Bryant at the time, could care less about Steve's Buttons. They had other interests. So I guess the 70's didn't have much influence on why I named by business Steve's Buttons. Check out next week when I fast forward 30 years.
How We Became Steve's Buttons
Posted by Steve O'Harra on
I read that in order for people to keeping coming back to your page you need to write interesting things. Here is one of my many possible stories on how we named our small Pinback business Steve's Buttons. Story # 2 Part 1. I started collecting Pinback Buttons in 1968. As a kid my room was always a mess and it flowed over to the rest of the house. My Mom would get mad about the mess and would yell Whose Buttons are these? My sister Sue would always yell back. Those are Steve's Buttons ! Next Week Part 2. The...
How I came up with the name Steve's Buttons Story # 1
Posted by Steve O'Harra on
I read that in order for people to keep coming back to your website you need to write interesting. Here is one of many possible stories on how we named our small Pinback Button business Steve's Buttons. Story # 1. I have lots and lots of buttons. I like buttons. I have been collecting Buttons since 1968. My name is Steve. If my name was Tony. I may had come up with another name other than Steve. I will be adding more stories in the near future on how we came up with the name Steve's Buttons.